Sunday, March 29, 2009

COTS Twinax connectors

While no longer looking for these, here are links to the most promising leads to BNC-sized COTS Twinax connectors:

These connectors from Blackbox, undoubably mfr'd by someone else, are compatible with an old IBM-style serial connector: IBM part# 7362229 Termination cap. Note absolutely no info on what the termination resistance is. IBM part# 7362229

Amphenol makes a series as well which doesn't look too compatible with the above (but which is available through digikey):

Digikey pages

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Opening up the Juke

Mainly keys to getting the photos off of the thing with USB, although many people are interested in how to put ringtones on with USB:

There was a very manual process that I looked up once that I seem to have forgotten.

Long instructions on how to use something called BitPim are here:

A short post about how to reset the MTP setting to USB, similar to as described as one step in the above, is here:

This cached page of a yahoo tech forum has, among the hilarious pleas, a hint that it might be possible to swap the MTP drivers on your PC:

more to come hopefully