Friday, May 9, 2014

Sweat - Thread - Sweat 1/2" tee

Because I can't solder three copper joints at once, I had the idea to get a tee that was two sweat joints and a threaded joint. The hope was that I could order it off of Amazon for delivery, or if I was lucky, find it in a local store. As it turns out, one local Lowes did have what I was looking for.

I learned that the terminology for this type of part is CxCxF:

I learned that the Nibco part number for the part was 712, LF is needed in the part number for low lead if it's being used for potable water, and -12 sometimes designates a 1/2 inch part

Here's a google search on the part number that wasn't terribly helpful:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.65788261,d.cWc,pv.xjs.s.en_US.Nq3OT-kliIg.O&biw=1213&bih=608&tch=1&ech=1&psi=lmVnU6fPOs_KsQTBkYKoBg.1399285144010.7&prds=hsec:online&ei=wGVnU5i2CurMsQTk1IHoBQ&ved=0CEUQ2SswAA

Based on the part number, it turns out that Lowes has it, but it's misfiled as a 1-1/2" part. Inspection of the listing seems to show that it's really a 1/2" part, even though the picture oddly shows a 3/4" part¤tURL=%3FNtt%3Dcl712-lf&facetInfo=

Here's a Mueller part with a different part number:

Converting a directory listing into a shell script of copy commands

I needed to copy all the files of a certain name throughout a directory tree into a particular directory, renaming them to contain the name of the path where they had been found so that they could be restored from the copy if needed later.

Trying to be quick about it, I decided to just pipe the result of "find" into a file, and then use a stream editor to modify the file into a shell script that would do the copy.

find . -name "filename.txt" > ~/filelist.txt

After fiddling with sed as an option for changing each line of the file into a copy command, I eventually found awk to be easier to use for this purpose (gawk on all our Linux systems).

gawk '{{ORS=""};print "cp -v " $0;gsub(/\//,"+",$0);{ORS="\n"};print " ./files_backup/" $0}' ~/filelist.txt > ~/

So this reads filelist.txt which is a list of all found instances of filename.txt with full paths, creates a cp -v command with the original path as the first argument and a second argument with a destination directory of files_backup and a destination filename consisting of the first argument with all "/" characters replaced with +; the result is output to which is the shell script that will actually do the copying for me. I didn't want to waste more time getting fancy by trying to directly execute the command, plus this gives me a chance to check the result before running it. The "+" character was chosen for the destination filenames because some of the directories in the source paths already had underscores and dashes in their names, and it appears as though the + is an allowable filename character.

I was bedeviled by awk's default behavior of inserting \n to the results of each print statement; I knew that I'd overcome this in the past but for today my Google search yielded a workaround of changing the end of line character to nothing for the first print statement (I had to change it back for the second print statement in order to get the completed line with a \n at the end.

Some links:

A typical sed replacement example forum thread:

A fascinating diversion into bash for loops. At one point I tried using a for loop to generate copy commands "live" from the file list but it didn't work because the list that for uses seems to need to be an actual directory listing rather than lines from a file.

Here's a bunch of different approaches to a similar (although simpler) task. This thread has examples of using sed, a for loop, and the "rename" command which I hadn't heard about before as possible solutions.

A link with basic awk syntax:

Another page of basic awk syntax that shows the syntax for the gsub command and an example:

Another page of basic awk syntax, for print statments.

Here's a basic question that I keep forgetting the answer to with awk, how to control whether concatenated outputs are padded with white space or not; the answer is really quite simple!

I was attempting to copy the input argument to a new variable and modify the new variable the first time I tried to do this, but for some reason the modifications that I was making to the new variable affected the input variable also. I didn't have time to figure out why this was happening, and thus had to reorder my awk statment such that I printed the input argument before modifying it, which is what led to having to fiddle with ORS. Perhaps something in this page of examples, which I was trying to follow but somehow failed, explains why I was having this problem:

Here's where I got the solution to directly change ORS from:

Here's the information on what are the allowed filename characters in *nix (and other OSs too):

L'Oiseau Blanc

Spent some time last week learning about an aviation mystery I didn't know about, the disappearance of "The White Bird" or L'Oiseau Blanc. This was a fascinating transatlantic attempt that preceded Lindbergh's and was going east to west. It was probably lost over Newfoundland or Maine. A compelling account of why the plane was never found is that the engine might have been melted for scrap by a logging company. The plane was a modified version of an existing model that had been in use as an airliner in France, an air trade that I had previously been unaware of, and a fact that I learned by looking up the engine because it was described as a "W" piston engine.'Oiseau_Blanc

Raymond Kennon on the web

I've done some web searches for Grandpa Kennon's art over the years, this is to keep some of the results.

Most recent search was by Cora, for her Kewpie doll auction trip. She found a picture of The Ozarks Arts And Crafts Center with one of Grandpa Kennon's paintings for sale along with some Rosie O'Neil stuff also for sale: