Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wikia how to indent text

It's so simple, yet so hard to find in Wikia's documentation.

When editing markup directly, to indent one level, start the line with ":". To indent an additional level, use two colons. The number of colons indicated produces the desired indentation level.

This page spells it out as if to a 5-year old:


How to make a bullet list in Wikia

It's so simple, yet so hard to find in Wikia's documentation.

When editing markup directly, to add a Bullet, start a line with "*". To add a bullet with additional indention, use two stars. The number of stars indicated produces the desired indentation level. I don't think that there is any control over what bullet marks are used.

This page spells it out as if to a 5-year old. This also covers numbered lists:


Monday, June 2, 2014

How to see list of trusted sites in Windows 7 and IE 11 with group policy on

Trying to solve yet another problem with running online training on my work laptop. You'd think that they didn't want me to take the training. The current error produced a message to the effect of an untrusted application was blocked. The training site's own documentation says that it has to be a trusted site in order to work, but thanks to the group policy on my system, I can't even check the IE properties to see if the training site is a trusted site, much less change it. As expected, I was able to at least find out the answer through the registry so that I could put more information in my problem report to IT.

This q&a describes my exact problem very precisely, but the answers given seem to be crap. At least I learned that something called GPResult exists (it didn't quite work when I tried it as shown), and one of the answers gives the trust values that correspond to each numerical value setting:


This site also didn't work out as hoped, it seems to be from a remote seat management perspective, but I began learning that what I need would be under a key named EscDomains:

There was another google hit, that I've lost the list to, which gave me the idea of just using the search function in regedit to find all EscDomains keys and viola, it gave me the list of trusted sites.