Thursday, January 31, 2019

WWI links

The Battle of Somme:

What caused the German collapse:

Truly amazing figures of how many soldiers died in the battle of Somme:

More on the Battle of Somme:

Which ship sinkings cause the US to enter the war:

BNC right angle to BNC right angle 12 inches

Searching for a 12 inch BNC right angle to BNC right angle cable. Sadly it's a unicorn. Here are the closest matches that I found:

At Digikey, there was one but it didn't have a photo or drawing:

Here's the drawing at Amphenol's site. It seems to have a large diameter cable with stiffeners on the ends so it won't work in my application inside an electronics box:

I remembered that Custom Cables Group LLC sells just about any combination of cable ends and lengths at Amazon, but strangely the exact combination of right angle and 12" was not available. Here are some close contenders:

I was finding lots of 12" right angle BNC to right angle BNC cables but they were mostly 75 ohm cables. I discovered that the search term RG316 limited choices to 50 ohm.

This one is 6-inch:

Another one that is 6-inch:

Another breakthrough was to also search for RG174 which is a slightly thicker cable that is also 50 ohm. Have to be careful to avoid RG179 which is 75 ohm.

Finally, this one is pretty close at 11.8 inches but oddly by this time I had come up an alternate solution that didn't require right angle:

The problem with the 12" right angle cables is that they all of course had a large block for doing the turn with, and I began to realize that the clearance inside my case was too small to accommodate two of these blocks in addition to the connector. Consequently I found a way to orient the boards in the case that would allow me to use my existing non-right angle cables. However, with this system I was short one 12" cable, and switching some cables to 8" would also help, so I went back to Amazon to look for additional BNC to BNC cables. Here are some of those links:

Interestingly, here is a 12" BNC to BNC straight RG316 cable from another company, and it doesn't seem to have quite as long a strain relief on the end:

Monday, January 28, 2019

Ocean Color Cubesat

Following yet another SpaceX launch, the fact that it included an Ocean Color cubesat caught my eye. It turns out that it is possible to find more info. Here are some links:

Here is a nice article in a trade publication from a couple of years ago which gives lots of info about the sensor and development program. It appears to be called SeaHawk.

The one that launched in December was SeaHawk1 and it seems to have been built by UNC:,-Including-UNCWs-Seahawk-1.html

Saturday, January 26, 2019

30Gbytes in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files

Initially found this by hunting around with "Properties". Clearing temporary internet data seemed to have no effect and looking at the properties of all files and directories visible in the browser at this level didn't show where the 30GBytes were.

There are many, many people with this problem begging for help in forums.

Here's one with a wide variety of ideas, many of which ended up being suggestions that I could incorporate, at least partially:

I tried messing around in these directories in safe mode with a command line. I very tentatively tried using del /f/s/q and it seemed good. It prints out messages for each file deleted which I found helpful rather than trying to send it to > null (or nul?) It turns out that the hidden Content.IE5 folder didn't have a whole lot of files in it.

I had a bit of a panic trying to get out of safe mode, but when I did CTRL-Shift-ESC to start the Task Manager I was able to find the Log Out button, and when it went back to the safemode log in screen there was a restart option.

There was a folder called "Virtualized" which seemed to have a mirror of the windows directory tree and seemed to have some large files. A bit of research seemed to indicate that this is for caches that older programs used to save outside the user's directory that's not allowed anymore. And these can be safely deleted, so I did it.

This has some explanations although it's a bit brief:

Here is a lot more information which provides better reassurances that it would be ok to delete these files:

The previous link provided greater reassurances for trying TreeView, which turned out to be AWESOME. I checked it out, downloaded it, and immediately it showed me that the files were actually hiding in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low. It didn't seem to have any problem finding hidden directories in its scans. I gave clearing the temporary internet files one last try, then did a big del /f/s/q and that fixed it.

The instructions on clearing temporary internet files from the control panel. It did seem to something but didn't touch the 30Gbyte:

Where to get Treeview:

Friday, January 25, 2019

Shutdown link hoarding collection


Corrupted Gems before and after:

Snow mountain biking is a thing:

Ultima Thule:

T's school shoes on Amazon:

T's "Black girl in an all-white school" video:

CN listing:

Game designer comic:

SR-71 satellite launch plan:

WW1 movie:

Monopole theory:

The science of the polar vortex:

Amadeus Cafe:

Top 5 weird German Planes:

Fossils in Antartica:

Chrissie's FB:

An article about a really interesting theory that smartphones are like cigarettes, by a really idiodic sounding guy:

The Robert Thomas "It's undoubtable" article:

The unflinching Washington Post take on the Robert Thomas article:

More clues possibly from USA Today:

Hidden photos in iPhone:

Except it doesn't work:

Nested lists in iOS Notes:

Perfect Strangers movie twin studies background:

Melissa Chase:

Stratolaunch folding:

The Mothership:

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Intellicast is dead

Apparently The Weather Channel acquired Intellicast and killed it. now links to Weather Underground, which seems to have the least useful interface of any web site I've ever encountered.

I've managed to find a few pages on the site which display maps and forecasts usefully, largely by Googling since none of their front page links to content actually work.

WU's 10 day graphical forecast looks like Intellicast's, except it's hilariously broken and doesn't show the dates:

Alternatives to WU:

NWS 7-day text forecast is presented with enough density to be almost useful, you just have to read the text version.

The NWS graphical forecast is great but it's locked into showing only 2 day segments:

Haven't found a working radar link yet. Here are some second-class radar sites:

This WJLA radar has great detail level but It's very difficult to make it animate and it's filled with spam in ads:

This NWS radar can be made to animate but it has a tragically limited sight distance:

This radar maps finally looks like the good national one that Intellicast had. It's as usually very hard to get to through WU's menus. It has a "Play Animation" button that seems to work on the phone but not the desktop, and it has a "Region" button that also doesn't seem to work on desktop: