Sunday, August 25, 2019

Installing Florence and Matchbox_Keyboard

The article which describes how to use the SD copier to export and compress the Pi OS:
A post about installing Matchbox Keyboard on the pi, which had warnings in the middle from users who had encountered problems with their desktop icons disappearing (due to Matchbox interfering with the file browser pcmanfm):
Another post about the conflict between Matchbox and pcmanfm. At the bottom there is a suggestion that it was somehow fixed in an update, presumably an update to PCMANFM:
The spec for the touchscreen itself mentions Matchbox, with a quick description of using sudo apt-get install:
The documentation for Florence itself just shows doing a simple sudo apt-get install:

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


This is the opto isolator that Juan loaned to me:

The DC means that it's rating applies to DC, the 60 refers to the voltage, the 3 refers to the max amps.

There is only one data sheet for all these SSRs: