Thursday, November 7, 2019

November 2019 Diversions

Eternal links:
Small Angels hamster adoption:

Trying to record Buntopia:

Ideas for how to record stereo from a mixing board using an ipad:
Several nice tips but it doesn't have anything to do with stereo. He recommends a couple of attenuator cables:
Several tips:

The recommended attenuator cable. It looks good really, but it's still mono:

Old misc links cleared off of Workie during Nov 2019:
A fun article about the terrible I Dream Of Genie last episode:
An article about a recent training incident in the air force. It was reported breathlessly on a liberal website, it is interesting to read this more professional and detailed account on a military news site:
A reddit thread about a visit by Elon to Boca Chica; this is the event that coverage of which got one blogger spun up in Florida:

Trump Booed again at another public event, this time a "wrestling" match. Less dramatic than at the world series, partially due to the organizers trying to slip him in without being noticed:

Misc Links:
Stanley Kubrik's B&W photos from NYC the 1940s. A nice look back at history, but the term "genius" is a bit generous for someone obsessed with both beautiful women and shoe shine boys.
The rules for American Education Week visitations this year from GCES. It was a lot of fun:
A bunch of future astronauts and a couple of token men:
This was a fun article about Hollywood scandals associated with Nickelodeon:

The straw bale Space Cruiser Yamato. It's apparently in Japan. The detail seems to be all either wood or cardboard.
The magazine article about it:
First twitter link with photos:
Second twitter link with photos:

Pimple popping links that it is probably not a good idea to view again:
A specific reddit post on an ingrown hair that leads to other threads that eventually lead to nightmare fuel:
Pretty much the funniest pop I've ever seen, clipped into a GIF in a Reddit post but with a link to the full YouTube video on the comments:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Excel tips for min/max report

When putting together the min/max report, the following links came in handy:

To create the secondary axis, select a data series, and select "Format Data Series", then in Series Options find the option for "Secondary Axis".
How to turn on the X and Y axis labels: Find the + sign for "Chart Elements" floating on the right side of the graph and select "Axis Titles". Also you can do any combination of X primary, X seconday, and Y axis labels:
Histograms are built in for Excel 2016. Also I found by trial and error that in order to restrict bin boundaries to the number of desired significant digits, the overflow bin has to either contain some data or be close to the first bin:
Excel has a STDEV function:
Here's a nice article explaining Mean, Median, and Mode: