Thursday, March 31, 2011

The skinny on Maryland asbestos siding tile removal laws

This is the top-level EHSO page that describes what to do about shingles and indicates that homeowner removal is legal:

This PDF helpfully describes the removal procedure complete with pictures, for Montanna!

Here is the EPA's take on it (Kinda vauge):

So the question becomes, does Maryland have regulations above and beyond the federal that would prohibit me as the homeowner from doing the removal as described above? I did a lot of searching, and I found information on how to package the tiles up for drop off (carboard box at least, steel drum preferred, lots of contractor bags), and that in Howard Count I have to figure out what landfills take it and what special locations and times to drop it off, all of which is validated in the upper two links and in talking to the inspector at MD DOE.

This Howard County demolition permit pdf just refers back to the Maryland State Dept of the Environment office (informational only)

Here is a Md. asbestos removal license form. No mention of applicability to homeowner removal. At the end it lists the particular applicable section of the Code Of Maryland Rules (COMR) and refers, to the same MD DOE office:

When I called that office, my question got referred to an inspector (O'Hare) who was very helpful in leaving messages when we kept missing each other. He confirmed that I can do the removal and no special permit is required for me to do it, and to remember to check with the county landfill.