Thursday, December 15, 2011

command line HTML to PDF converter

Preferably free, of course.

I think the real answer is to somehow use the python pdf libraries. Somebody must have written this kind of converter using this library, but I haven't found it yet.

(Update, here it is. Of course, will it work with our pathetic version 2.5 python?)

Oh how interesting, they list "alternatives" to xhtml2pdf.

Here are some other options:

ImPDF seems to be the winner. It's command line, and has a free version although they are also advertising a "company license"? Needs more investigation:

The pricing page (link now lost) seemed to indicate that the command line option could only be bought under a $200 "company license", but this page seems to have a free download link:

Here's a retail-boxed version with what's probably a trial download. Doesn't seem to have a command line though: