Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Windows detected a hard disk problem

This morning, Lisa's laptop was thoroughly hosed. After the initial alarm wore off, it was clear that this was just another fake "error fixer" virus like Windows 7 Security 2012. Here are some of the plethora of error messages from this virus:

Windows detected a hard disk problem

Windows - Delayed write failed to save all the components for the file \\System32\\0005382. The file is corrupted or unreadable. This error may be caused by a PC hardware problem

System Error - Critical Error. hard drive critial error. Start a system diagnostics application to scan

Critical error Windows OS can't detect a free hard drive space. Hard drive error (This one is my favorite)

Clicking the Windows Detected a hard disk problem balloon gets:
System Check - with 4 categories including My computer Relate Problems. HDD related Problems. It "scans" and produces a results window with nearly laughable over-the top error messages.

Another clue: Task manager is suppressed when summoned using ctl-alt-del.

Anyhow, this here is definitely the one. Looks nasty:


The cleaning procedure involves MalwareBytes tools and looks pretty similar to the removal instructions for the Windows 7 Security 2012 virus.