Eventually, I found a couple of forum threads where a guy had a circuit sort of similar to ours, where he was trying to turn on a MOSFET with an op amp and his circuit's step response showed ringing identical to ours. He felt his way to a different looking solution which turned out to be the one that worked great for me, which was putting a capacitor between the output of the op amp and the negative side of the feedback loop. Actually, this seems topologically very similar to having the cap in parallel with the feedback resistor, it merely also includes the sense resistor (or in this person's case the MOSFET Gate-Drain resistance) which is to say the entire feedback loop. In this person's case, he was more interested in understanding why his SPICE model hadn't caught the problem. Anyhow, this feedback topology is actually covered in the above tutorials as the "in the loop" compensation method, and the presence of inline resistance before the feedback is also discussed as a prime cause of instability, so it turns out that all of the sources that I found are actually in agreement.