Saturday, October 1, 2016

sept lists 1

222 Ready to Evolve 9/7/2016:

-- Evolve Ekans (72/50) **
-- Evolve Nidorina into Nido Queen (100/100)
-- Evolve Meowth (59/50)*
-- Evolve Weepinbell (121/100+25)****
-- Evolve Gloom (100/100+25)
-- Evolve another Exeggcutor 69/50)
-- Evolve another Nido King (112/100+25)

Bonus evolutions:

-- Evolve Krabby (108/50)*
-- Evolve another Slowbro (47/50)
-- Make another Metapod
-- Make another Kakuna and evolve it
-- Make some Pidgeodos and evolve them

Long term evolution goals:

-- Evolve Jigglypuff (37/50)
-- Evolve Vulpix (31/50)
-- Evolve Doduo (21/50)
-- Evolve Pikachu (19/50)

--- Evolve Ivysaur (57/100)
-- Evolve Kadabra (54/100)
-- Evolve Haunter (31/100)
-- Evolve Wartortoise (30/100)
-- Evolve Polywhorl (16/100)
-- Evolve Magnemite (34/100)
-- Evolve Rhyhorn (22/50)
-- Evolve another Ponyta (11/50)
-- Evolve Charmander (7/25)

Do NOT make another Gloom
Do NOT make another Nidorina
Do NOT make another Nidorino
Do NOT make another Kadabra
Do NOT make another Weepinbell

Completed evolutions:

Make 1 more Golbat
Make 1 more Venomoth
Make 1 Metapod and then evolve it
Make a couple of Kakunas and evolve them
Power up a Spearow and then evolve it
Evolve Psyduck!!!
Evolve Horsea (Found wild Seadra)

Evolution Plan 160907

-- 01Ekans454*a -- 3 PU -- Evolve
-- 02Meowth426*ha -- 4 PU -- Evolve
-- 03Bellsprout627*ad -- 3 PU -- Evolve -- 3 PU -- Evolve
-- 04Eevee606*a --10 PU -- Rainer -- Evolve
-- 05Eevee623a -- 5 PU -- Sparky -- Evolve
-- 06Eevee595a -- 5PU -- Pyro Evolve
-- 07Exeggcute640*ha -- 8 PU -- Evolve
-- 08Oddish645h -- 4 PU -- Evolve
-- 09BoyNidoran468 -- 5 PU -- Evolve
-- Krabby426 -- 4 PU -- Evolve
-- Caterpie242* -- 1 PU -- Evolve 1 PU -- Evolve
-- Krabby355* -- Evolve
-- Ratata324* -- Evolve
-- Ratata318* -- Evolve
-- Paras507*hd -- Evolve

-- 02Nidorina600 -- 2 PU -- Evolve
-- Evolve another Slowbro (47/50)
-- Make another Metapod
-- Make another Kakuna and evolve it
-- Make some Pidgeodos and evolve them

Evolution Results 160907

-- 01Ekans454*a -- 3 PU -- Evolved wrong one? -- Arbok984*.a
-- 02Meowth426*ha -- Persian1039*ha
-- 03Bellsprout627*ad -- 3 PU -- Evolve -- 3 PU -- Victreebell1652.d
-- 04Eevee606*a --10 PU -- Rainer -- Pyro1653*a
-- 07Exeggcute640*ha -- 8 PU -- Exeggutor1942*ha

3d print tweaks 09/13/2016:

-- 11/64" holes
-- .25" stair out of back of base (really, pretty much the whole roof)
-- cable tie point in center of front
-- Side cable thickness .3"!
-- knock .1" off of width of back shell
-- Deepen NASA logo

000 Friday impossible goals 160916

>-- Kits to Bonnie
>-- Work on Labview
>-- 10AM Max meeting
>-- Call Budget
>-- Fix, resubmit and approve test plug schematics
>-- Submit first unit fab WOA
>-- Pay bills
-- Work on T 's phone

>-- Make pdfs for fab WOA (CAN'T DO AT HOME, DID MONDAY)
-- Write up iMustang test results
>-- Create Pi panel new drawing
-- Submit rev C old panel drawing
-- rewrite GUI to single file
-- New features for GUI: file config, connector mapping, better Abort, stay running, manual mode ADDSIG, manual probing, correct legacy isolation test, don't do stupid continuities for nonlegacy, fix doubling of number of measurements for continuities.

Sep 21 2016 W Goals:

>-- Visit Bonnie to look at the boards
>-- Look up missing DLL for LIC PDU
>-- Finish BML journal (THURS MORN)
>-- Update the week's journal
>-- Get more cat food for Poni
>-- Get data and phone cards for Lisa
>-- Move blue laundry to drier, start white laundry (THURS MORN)


-- Upload new ARM software image to TDMS
-- Prepare v4 Python image and upload it to TDMS
-- Begin working on the new GUI
>-- Order my Thing
-- Close Safari and Chrome tabs on iPhone
-- Order a keyboard bag off of Amazon, plus some velcro, plus a 12-inch micro usb cable

As If:

-- Try out external display for Pi
-- Begin prepping a scraps stop
-- Put mower away


Sep 23 2016 F

>-- Sort down box from car
X-- Refill water bottle (LEFT AT HOME)
-- Do all the N2H from last night
>-- Hang up the socks
>-- Shower
-- Move stuff off of new phone
>-- Email Nicole about inspections today

Yesterday: Lisa took Nina to Open Gym and found Kendall there with her kids. They went to the playground but Nina had jelly all over her and there were yellow jackets. Lisa got Nina cleaned up and got her changed for ballet and went directly there.

Weekend options:

-- Ice skating
-- Riverfest
-- Bonfire

--3pm river hill children's concert

GSE Cables Meeting w/Max
Gary Juan doing box-to-box
-- Needs an ICD, will produce the drawings

board to board
to be built by Tracy Young
Have Ken do the design and coordination