Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Boston Massacre

Thanks to T studying the Boston Massacre in her history class, I ended up doing a deep dive of my own. This is a placeholder for some of the links that I found but later lost. Among the many interesting details I learned were that 8 soldiers involved in the incident were arrested, which must have been an astonishing assertion of civilian authority over a soveriegn military at the time, that John Adams was the defendant's lawyer at the trial and his defense is fascinatingly disgusting, only two were convicted and their punishment was hand branding, and Paul Revere published the famous engraving which he totally stole from somebody else. A public letter from the commander of the soldiers was published with their side of the story; it is as equally biased as "Patriot" reporting and T had to read it in her class. T was also greatly amused by the detail of a random dog in the engraving.
For starters, the wikipedia article on the Massacre, which pretty much has all of this info but for how long: