Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sticker Club

Just to save some links from my research, some links about the curse of Sticker Club. This is an insideous attempt to use children as an excuse for chain letters. Who thinks chain letters would be a good idea? It would be all in fun except that the text of the letter is so shitty. We got this from treasured friends, but I was so temptmpted to alter the letter befor forwarding it that we never finished the project. I hope that N's friend at least got some stickers from more compentent parents.
I think this is a reprint of the article from a parent whose sympathetic atitude for the sticker club dilema convinced me to give it a try.
This is the now-dead link to the original artilce, I think:,1st-rule-of-sticker-club-smile-just-do-it
Rachel Ray of all people is promoting this abomination. This is probably something that helped this take off:
Another parent who hated this as much as I did:
And finally another resistor:
The google search turned up all kinds of variations in the letters which seemed to hint at the trail that this fad evolved through. I was looking for a nicer version of the letter and where it went so toxic.