Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Buried temple Turkey

Here are some pointers to info about that cool ancient temple that was found intentionally buried somewhere in Turkey. It's called Göbekli Tepe. It turns out that what was so amazing about this temple is that it predates the Sumerian civilization; the conclusion that has been reached is that it was built by hunter-gatherer civilizations although that barely makes sense. Another thing that I can't really wrap my brain around is that this grey, dusty, desert location is known to have been much more fertile in the past, and was the northern part of the "fertile crescent" which had the Euphrates Valley as the southern part. Apparently this is the result of human deforestation. Also interesting from the various narratives is some confusion over the temple burial timeline. Was is buried from the outside in, or were the whole temples buried with the side temples started after each burial? The pictures that I've found of this place simultaneously disappoint (there has been so little excavation to see the entire finding) and amaze (the reliefs and other details of pillars are remarkably clear).

Here of course is the Wikipedia article:

Here is a National Geographic article that has a humorously flip tone while still being fact-rich:

Here is one guy's photostream of his personal visit there: