Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Making Wikia work for me

My goal: Set up a Wikia wiki for my Vygis Stories museum.

The museum will consist of stories, and photos of objects and people.

I want to use tagging to create pages that group the contents of the wiki several different ways and have Table Of Contents pages that show those groupings.

Blogger has tags, but apparently a 127 tag limit (need to re-find the reference for this). My memory blog has a long tag list and it's easy to click on a tag link and see all entries with that tag, so for that blog I'm pretty satisfied.

In Wikia, they don't have tags, but have something called categories.

I want to have a hierarchy of categories: Top level categories, the following list:


In Wikia, when you add a category to a page that you've made, the category seems to have its own page too. So if I add a category named "Oldsmobile", there must be a page named "Oldsmobile". That "Oldsmobile" page can have a category "Things". At this point, the "Things" page will show "Oldsmobile" as a subcategory.

I would like categories like "Oldsmobile" to contain the name of the top-level category as well, like "Things: Oldsmobile" which would rigidly enforce the relationship of top and bottom categories at the bottom level, and make the meaning of the categories attached to a story clearer. The downside of this is that it breaks the lovely category alphabetization that seems to be built in to the listing of subcategories.

I guess what will happen is that all subcategories, particularly things, will be entered directly. The top level category being added to the bottom of the subcategory page will immediately get them added to the top level. These can all be then referenced in stories.

An issue seems to be that all things have stories attached. Should the stories be separate from the thing or be part of the thing's page? There are hundreds of Oldsmobile stories, which is an example of it being better to have the stories be separate. The Red Green Show DVD has only one story, and it seems ungainly to have to go to the Red Green DVD's thing page to get to the story.